4 bed House for sale, The Brackens, London, EN1


Six Form Schools & Colleges near The Brackens, London, EN1

Schools within LEA

Dist.NameTypeYear 1 PassYear 2 PassAverage Point Score Map

Key to Information

PupilsShows the total number of pupils at the school
English & MathsThe percentage of pupils achieving at least "level four" in each subject, the standard expected by the Government
All Girls
All Boys
Girls & Boys

School Types

ACAcademy, publicly funded independent school offering free education to pupils of all abilities, established by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups working in partnership with central Government and local education partners.
CTCCity Technology CollegeorCity College for the Technology of the Arts, independent all-ability, non fee-paying schools offering pupils the opportunity to study a curriculum geared, with the help of private sector sponsors, towards the world of work.
CYCommunity School, maintained by the local authority (LA). The LA is the admissions authority - it has main responsibility for deciding arrangements for admitting pupils.
CYSCommunity Special School, maintained by the LA, which is organised to make special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN).
FDFoundation School, maintained by the LA. May have a foundation (generally religious) that appoints some - but not most - of the governing body. The governing body is the admissions authority.
FDSFoundation Special School, maintained by the LA, which is specifically organised to make special educational provision for pupils with SEN.
FESIFurther Education Sector Institution (sixth form college, FE college, tertiary college).
MODFCCollege funded by the Ministry of Defence.
INDRegistered independent school, normally charging fees
IND(SS)Independent school approved under the Education Act 1996 to take pupils who have statements of special educational needs.
NMSSNon-maintained special school, approved by the Secretary of State under the Education Act 1996, which is specially organised to make special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs.
VAVoluntary Aided school, maintained by the LA, with a foundation (generally religious) that appoints most of the governing body. The governing body is the admissions authority.
VCVoluntary Controlled school, maintained by the LA, with a foundation (generally religious) which appoints some - but not most - of the governing body. The LA is the admissions authority.

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